More Than You Ever Wanted to Know About the Frugalwoods Family

Welcome! We’re ex-urban, rookie homesteaders finding contentment (and a lot of chores) on 66 acres in rural central Vermont along with our our two young daughters. I’m Liz, better known as Mrs. Frugalwoods, and I write about a wide range of topics, including my experiences as a parent, my adventures as a novice homesteader, and…

Hiking: The Perfect Frugal Day

It’s glorious summer in New England, which lasts about 11 minutes before we return to epic winter, so we’re relishing the great outdoors. All around us, people are dropping dough on kayak rentals, croquet sets, badminton shuttlecocks, pool noodles, and sunscreen (just rub some free mud on your skin, people!). I jest. A few years ago, Mr. Frugalwoods…

Frugality Is Not Mainstream

A major factor in our ability to pursue financial independence and early retirement is the fact that Mr. Frugalwoods and I don’t care what you think. This is not to say that we don’t value your opinion, your advice or your guidance–we surely do!–we just don’t care if you judge us. Go ahead. We’ve mastered the art…


Our tried and Tested Tools and Resources Frugalwoods Recommends Ever wonder why you don’t see ads here on Frugalwoods? That’s because the vast majority of stuff companies want to pay me to sell you is total crap and I refuse to promote crap in exchange for money (unless you’re in legit need of some manure……


Press & Media For press inquiries please contact Liz’s Bio Elizabeth Willard Thames is the creator of the award-winning personal finance blog,, author of the book, Meet The Frugalwoods: Achieving Financial Independence Through Simple Living and a financial consultant. Thames works with clients to assess their holistic financial picture, establish clear next steps…

Yes, I Actually Have a Black Friday Sale for You

I know, I know, Black Friday is dumb; but since it exists, I figured I’d offer a coupon code for 10% off: An hourlong phone call with me (that’s $25 off) A basic financial consultation with me (that’s $150 off) A premium financial consultation with me (that’s $300 off) A spot in an Uber Frugal…

Introducing UFM Mastermind Groups!

I’m all about starting new things these days and so, I’m launching a BRAND NEW way to participate in my Uber Frugal Month Challenge: Mastermind Groups!!!! These will be a chance for you to meet (on video) with me and nine other frugal folks once a week for five weeks starting in January. If you…

How We Signed Up for Health Insurance through the Affordable Care Act

Healthcare is no longer tied to your job in the United States. Anyone can get healthcare in our country and you don’t have to go through an employer to do so. This hasn’t always been the case and I, for one, rejoice in the system that makes this possible. This is a system that goes…

Reader Case Study: Longterm Planning When You Have a Chronic Illness

Katie and Arden live on beautiful Cape Cod in Massachusetts and have a passion for travel, spending time on the water, renovating their home, and enjoying life. Katie has Cystic Fibrosis and would like our advice on how to plan for retirement while still living it up with her husband, friends, and family in the…

Reader Suggestions: Holiday Gifts That’ll Spread The Love But Not Break The Bank

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!!! True, true, but it’s also the most stressful time of the year for some. Stressed? Moi? You may be thinking. But indeed, amid all the ho-ho-ho-ing and fa-la-la-ing, there’s an undercurrent of dread related to one of the most contentious aspects of the holidays: GIFT GIVING. It’s…

Reader Case Study: Debt And Dreams In Queensland, Australia

We’re headed Down Under for this month’s Reader Case Study to chat with Sam and Keith who live in Brisbane Queensland, Australia. Today we’re going to help them figure out how to pay down their debt and save up for their future! Case Studies are financial and life dilemmas that a reader of Frugalwoods sends to…

Reader Case Study: From Brooklyn to LA With a Baby

We’re headed to Brooklyn, NY this month to talk future plans with a young couple and their two-month-old infant. The FrugalBrooklyns, as they’d like to be called, are loving their new roles as parents and, while they enjoy life in the Big Apple, are plotting a cross-country move to Los Angeles, CA. Case Studies are…