Weekly Woot & Grumble: Guests We’d Never Met (Plus A Flat)

Woot Frugal Hound is a champ with babies! We had the distinct honor of hosting Cat from Budget Blonde, her awesome husband, and their adorable (beyond adorable, really) 1-year-old twins, Bean and Beannette, for several days last weekend. I confess I was a tad apprehensive as the babies and Frugal Hound scouted each other out…

The Privilege Of Pursuing Financial Independence

Achieving early retirement isn’t something everyone can do. I wish I could say that if everyone would just save a little more, and live a bit farther below their means, and avoid buying an SUV, they’d be able to quit their jobs and live the life they crave. But that’s not the reality. There’s structural privilege inherent…

January 2015 Expenditures

A Classically Frugal Month January was a superbly cheap month for us, which is what we anticipated given our weeklong trip out to California to visit my family. Any month with non-mortgage spending below $1,000 ($989.05 this month), is ideal for us. It balances out slightly pricier months (ahem, looking at you, December 2014). We’ve…

The Frugal Homestead Series Part 1: Why The Woods?

I’ll admit it right now: I talk about our future homestead a lot. If you’re a regular reader, you’re probably sick of me starting sentences with, “when we move to our rural homestead…” In case you’re new here (or you’ve selectively tuned out my near-constant mention of the H word), Mr. Frugalwoods and I plan to buy…

Refinishing Gold Mirrored Closet Doors

One of the, shall we say, special aspects of our master bedroom were the gold-framed, sliding, mirrored closet doors. I knew they had to go as part of the master bedroom revamp…or did they? I conducted a great deal of research into options for replacing them and everything I found was super expensive. Closet doors are not cheap…

How We Save 65% Annually

Mr. Frugalwoods and I realize we might seem a bit odd to those of you new to the philosophy of Early Retirement Extreme and Mustachianism or just starting out on your frugal finance journey. Curious how we live day to day? For starters, we’re not total weirdos, I promise! Though we are kinda weird because the way…

Uber Frugal Month: Challenge Yourself

Note: This is the original Uber Frugal Month outline–see my updated version here. I now have an  Uber Frugal Month Challenge that you can sign-up to join at any time! For more information on the Challenge, check out this post. How much money could you save in a month if you were uber frugal? We’re talking…