The False Choices That Steal Our Future

I’ve been reflecting quite a bit lately on the various facets of my life that go against the grain. In many ways, I disagree with the fundamental notions of what our culture says ‘the good life’ is all about. Whether it’s my disavowal of the theory that all new parents want (and should buy) only brand-new baby…

Perfection Is The Enemy Of Frugality

I’m not perfect. Far from it, my friends. And frugal weirdos, by our very nature, are imperfect creatures. In fact, I’d go so far as to wager that perfection is the enemy of frugality. The more perfect I want something to be, the more expensive it’s going to be. This doesn’t apply in every single instance, but…

How Writing Is Changing My Life

My post today is part of my friend Cat Alford of Budget Blonde‘s “Get Paid to Write for Blogs” course launch! Cat makes a full time income from writing for blogs, and this course will teach you how to do the same. I never thought I’d write Frugalwoods. Financial independence, early retirement, and our entire homesteading journey weren’t…

Frugal Hound’s 10 Tips For A Simpler, Happier, More Frugal Life

Frugal Hound turned six last week! Our little greyhound is entering doggie middle age. And she couldn’t be cuter! To mark the occasion, we presented her with a pterodactyl toy we bought for $2 a year ago–oh yes, I’ve been known to buy dog toys on sale well in advance of the celebratory day. Sweet, devoted…

Is Costco Coffee Any Good? We Bravely Discover

In our never-ending quest to frugalize our lives, Mr. Frugalwoods and I have slashed spending on groceries, insourced just about everything humanly possible, and stuck to our $0 entertainment budget, among other measures. But the one luxurious, gaping, profligate outlier has always been decent coffee beans. Nay, dare I say superb coffee beans. We’d rather drive a 19-year-old…

I Need A Gift For My Anniversary Like Frugal Hound Needs A Bicycle

Mr. Frugalwoods and I celebrated our 7th anniversary this week and I thought you might like to know what we got for each other. Try to contain yourself: it was nothing. Yep, that’s right, absolutely zilch. We’ve never been hot on gifts for one another and now that’s more true than ever as our relationship…

Pregnancy Hasn’t Foiled My Clothes-Buying Ban: Here’s How

I haven’t purchased a scrap of clothing in 17 months. Not one sock or shoe or smock. As long-time readers will recall, I first introduced my clothing ban goal in Why I’m Not Buying Any Clothes in 2014. Then, I chronicled my experience in What A Year Without Clothes Did For Me. Now that I’m pregnant (woohoo!) a…

Strategic Frugality and The Tale of Stormzilla

Sometimes, the most frugal option is to spend money. Don’t fall out of your chair or topple over your standing desk–it’s true! Indeed, it’s rare that I advocate for forking over cash, but there are instances where avoiding the cheapest choice translates into frugality in the long run. And that, my frugal weirdo friends, is strategic frugality–also…

The Surprising Benefits Of Not Turning On Your Air Conditioning

We’ve entered the most wonderful time of the year. No, not Christmastime, but the shoulder months betwixt winter and summer when we can coast by without the use of heat or air conditioning. This climate control-free period provides the perfect opportunity to save money and breathe fresh air. It might seem like a minor shift in…

Our 12 Tips For Visiting Open Houses: We’ve Been To Over 270

It’s open house season! You perhaps thought these balmier temperatures and tulips indicated a season called spring, but no, tis the season of house buying. The inspiration for today’s post comes from a reader who recently sent me a fantastic question about one of my favorite things… open house etiquette! Before Mr. Frugalwoods and I slapped down the money to…

Weekly Woot & Grumble: Spring Reminds Us That Seasons Are Awesome

Woot The first hesitant tendrils of spring are taking hold in our formerly snow-encased northeastern landscape. Frugal Hound senses the warmer temperatures on our walks and exudes a certain doggy friskiness in response. Much as Mr. Frugalwoods and I genuinely enjoy the frozen wintertime, we’re equally pleased to welcome the balmy New England spring. We find…

Our Favorite Stories and Photos From Frugalwoods’ First Year

Frugalwoods turns one year old tomorrow! A year ago, Mr. Frugalwoods and I sat in a coffee shop and simultaneously launched our plan to retire at 33 to a homestead in the woods and the concept of Frugalwoods. Mr. FW was after me to start a blog and I’d dismissed the idea for months (years actually). My…