Treat Yourself: More Like Defeat Yourself

“I’ve had a tough day, so I’ll treat myself to take-out tonight… just this once.” We’ve all been there, we’ve all said this, and we all know it’s never just this once. The “treat yourself” mentality that’s so prevalent right now is all about impermanent balms to soothe our overall frustration or discontent with the trajectory…

Just Call Us The Spendywoods (aka February 2016 Expenditures)

Just call us the Spendywoods this month. Yes indeed, we blew our $1,000/month spending goal way far away. Like $1,121.68 away. But you know what? It’s all good. We spend less in the months where we can so that we don’t sweat the expensive times. Because unexpected expenses are a routine part of life–much like moles,…

How To Be Frugal: One Month At A Time

Thinking of making money-related New Year’s resolutions for 2016? Well, I’ll save you the hassle: don’t do it. I’m delighted to poke my head up from parental leave to issue a challenge for the new year, written with a Babywoods snuggled to my chest in her sling (which seems to be her preferred mode for writing blog posts)….

Reader Suggestions On: How To Convince Your Husband Or Wife To Be Frugal

I recently put out the query “how do you convince your husband or wife to be frugal?” It’s a question Mr. Frugalwoods and I receive with regularity and it’s one that we’re woefully inept at answering having never done it ourselves. Since we came to the decision to pursue extreme frugality together, we haven’t had the…

How Do You Convince Your Husband Or Wife To Be Frugal?

“Frugality is so awesome! Now, how do I convince my spouse/partner to get on board with it?” Mr. Frugalwoods and I are asked this question almost daily and I was all set to write some windbaggy mellifluous literary masterpiece in response. The only hitch is that I have to confess my honest answer is “I have no idea.” Mr….

Time vs. Money: How We Choose

There exists out there in the world a misconception that extreme frugality dooms you to a life of intense labor that could otherwise be provided for you through an expenditure of money. But in our experience, that’s simply not true. Mr. Frugalwoods and I don’t live like indentured servants (except perhaps to wait on Frugal Hound)–quite the contrary!…

Our Approach To Affordable, Responsible Dog Care

Last week, Frugal Hound had her annual doggie wellness exam and vaccinations, which set us back $116. Far from bemoaning this expense, Mr. Frugalwoods and I were delighted to fork over the funds because it means Frugal Hound is a healthy and happy creature. Plus, we had the ever-entertaining experience of trying to get her to step up onto…

Maintaining Friendships And Frugality

Everybody likes hanging out with their friends! This is true for human beings aged toddler to grandparent (and hounds too!). We all enjoy carousing, playing, and fraternizing with our buddies. But what happens when you’re a devout frugal weirdo (à la moi) and you still want to spend quality time with your chums? Brace yourselves because the answer…

11 Benefits of Frugality That Have Nothing To Do With Money

Quick sidenote: I was on Farnoosh Torabi’s So Money podcast yesterday chatting about our uber frugal life. If you’re interested, you can give it a listen here! It’s not just about the money. Although the most obvious destination of frugality is having a bunch-o-money saved up, this is by no means the only benefit frugality…

Clothing Care For People Who Don’t Buy Clothes

Clothes! We’ve all gotta wear them, but we don’t have to spend a ton doing so. While I don’t think Mr. Frugalwoods or I have any clothes quite as ancient as our venerated 19-year-old Frugalwoods-mobile (whose virtues I extolled earlier this week), we certainly have some, ahem, mature threads. Since not consuming is a huge part of both our…

How We Avoid Cable And Watch Free TV Online

Greeting fair Frugalwoods friends! It’s Mr. Frugalwoods here, making a rare appearance as author. I’m usually your trusty behind-the-scenes tech guy, but today I want to share our strategies for securing gratis TV. “Hold on, you don’t have cable?!?” Yep. Don’t have it. Never have and probably never will. We’re a cable TV executive’s worst nightmare….

The Great Homemade Seltzer Discovery of 2015

Sometimes frugality is about giving stuff up. Other times, it’s about being clever. Mr. Frugalwoods and I are known seltzer addicts. Indeed, we can scarcely make it through a day without our bubbly water fix. And we have zero intention of ever giving it up. Pure, unadulterated seltzer (just water and gas, no sugars or…