How To Give Frugal Gifts With Joy And Generosity

It’s time for the annual Frugalwoods frugal holiday gifts run down (check out the 2014 and 2015 lists too)! Although the mere phrase “holiday gifts” is anathema to many a frugalyte, there are ways to maintain one’s frugal predilections while celebrating all things festive and jolly. Chiefly, I wish to point out that the holidays should not…

Starting The Thanksgiving Season With Gratitude

As Thanksgiving looms on the horizon–scratch that, “looms” sounds entirely too negative… as Thanksgiving blossoms (?) on the horizon, I’m reflecting on how tremendously grateful I am for the wonderful things in my life.  I am fortunate beyond measure and thankful in a profound, deep way. Beyond my gratitude, I’m cognizant of the privilege that catapulted me…

Checked Luggage And Other September 2016 Expenditures

Brace yourselves for an expense onslaught: September was our priciest month on record. By far. Yes indeed, we’ve royally outdone ourselves this time. Fueled by travel, a dishwasher, and our property tax bill–among other things–we spent a gigantic amount of money this month. But, it was (mostly) all for good. And, I am (mostly) unconcerned….

What Does A Frugal Person Eat?

Food, glorious food! By far the most hotly requested topic for me to cover (via my query to our Frugalwoods Facebook group) was: food! I had no idea you all were so interested in what we eat! But the more I got to thinking about food (not hard for me to do), I realized that…

Frugality Is A Compounding Game

But it only costs $20! Or $10. Or even just 5 measly bucks. So what’s the big deal? It’s remarkably easy to lull myself into thinking that a couple dollars spent here or there won’t amount to a hill of beans (oh but there are so many things one can cook with a hill of beans… )….

For the Love of Frugal Hound, Manage Your Money Yourself! (by following The Simple Path to Wealth)

You’ll be shocked to hear this, but before I read JL Collins’ book “The Simple Path to Wealth: Your Road Map to Financial Independence And a Rich, Free Life,” I did not 100% understand the rationale behind my own stock market investments. If you tried to click away from this article after reading “stock market investments,” then…

How To Move With A Baby (Without Losing Your Stuff Or Your Sanity)

We are officially moved into our Vermont homestead at long last! I’m immensely delighted (super delighted? supremely delighted?) to write this from our porch, gazing out on our apple trees–which are just beginning to blossom–listening to the distant sounds of a hooting owl, running streams, and Frugal Hound chasing squirrels in her sleep (some things never…

Why (and how) I Became a Work-At-Home Mom

The past few months have been been some of the most eventful of our lives. From welcoming our first child (ok, second if you count Frugal Hound) to buying our homestead property, Mr. Frugalwoods and I feel like we’ve been on a wonderful–yet chaotic–roller coaster of hectic-ness. Amid these changes–and largely because of them–I also…

The Finances Of Our City Rental And Country Homestead

As I shared in a fit of elation the other week, Mr. Frugalwoods and I bought our Vermont homestead! If you want to get caught up on this breaking news, check out the first two posts in my homestead mania series: That Time We Bought A Homestead and How We Decided Our Homestead Was The…

That Time We Bought A Homestead

In case you thought the only new thing going on in our lives right now is Babywoods, well, I have a small surprise. We kinda sorta bought our homestead. And by “kinda sorta” I mean we 100% bought our homestead. I’m thrilled to share this news with you and it’s the main reason why I’ve been posting…

Revenge Of The Appliances: A Tale Of DIY Mishaps And Triumphs

And then there are the times when DIY goes awry. Lest you think we’re some sort of home improvement mavens following our recent self-taught plumbing escapade, let me disabuse you of that notion post haste by telling you the tale of our oven. And our refrigerator. And our closet door… An Oven Obituary Right on the heels…

Frugality Is My Hobby

I’m constantly on the lookout for ways to amp up my frugality. It’s easy to get lulled into thinking Mr. Frugalwoods and I have achieved peak frugality, but no sooner do I make that assumption than I’m confronted with a means to save even more! True confessions: I enjoy the challenge of not spending money. It’s legitimately fun…